Beküldő: admin | 2010. 10. 15., p – 00:00

Könyvtárostanárok Egyesülete


On the occasion of International School Library Month, School Librarian’s Association, Hungary (HSLA) announces the following contests:
- "(Re)Design your school library!" (for students),
- "We have built school library!" (for shool librarians)

Also Hungarian Association of School Librarians calls for nominations to HSLA Commemorative Medal, given as an appreciation for prominent school librarians.

Announcement of the results and the introduction of winner competitors will take place on the Autumn Conference of the Association.

The Autumn Conference will be held in Budapest, at Árpád Secondary School. For more information please visit or contact Mrs Lázárné Szanádi Csilla, President of HASL (

Lázárné Szanádi Csilla, elnök

Vörösmarty Mihály Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény



 Collecting photos from the Hungarian School Library - make a big album

Competition about copy right


 Seressné Barta Ibolya

Deák Ferenc Gimnázium Könyvtára


Deák Ferenc Bilingual High School Szeged


Let's decorate the school library together!

1. Book-art at school, or what shall we do with books, that are longer needed. With the help of the school's art teacher new art works will be created from used books and journals.

2. Making promotional posters with montage technique.

The best artworks exhibition opens in early November, and then the best pieces will be on display in the library.

Nagyné Bús Gabriella

e-mail cím:

tel.: 0662/620-186

Árpád Gimnázium


A riddle for the world day


The blog of the school library started in this term. To join to the world day has a dual goal: on the one part to attract the student's attention for the blog, and on the other hand to make them practicing the usage of the school library in a playful way.

So they get to questions. The first one is on the grounds of the blog, the second one can be answered by using the documents of the library.

If they got the right solution, they get some delicious rewards to the tune of our chocolate stock. :)


KOMA Theatrical Company's acting in our school


In October the KOMA Theatrical Company presents Svarc's play, The Dragon. After the play we'll have the oppurtunity to have a talk with the actors and the director.

 Rónyai Tünde

Kaposvári Egyetem Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium


leaving bokks, hiding library bokks

Every Years can take part in it.

Program of the junior section:

Slideshow and making bookmarks in the library

Senior section: making comics, recognising parts and people of the Literature

High school: making the Website of the school library

Márton Kálmánné

Beck Éva


Andrássy Gyula Általános Iskola


On 28 th October in 2010, we are celebrating the International Day of Library at Andrássy Gyula Primary School.

At this time we are doing playful testsheets and we are waiting the pupils in the library with surprises.

Varga Ferencné


Andrássy Gyula Általános Iskola

8868 Letenye, Bajcsy Zs.u 2.


Noszlopy Gáspár Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola

Kaposvár, Szent Imre u. 2. 7400

 Book market in our school. We would like to collect money for the victims of the disaster.

 Exhibition about our school newspapers.

 Selected passages about our old school library. We will make arrangements for our celebration. Our school was founden in 1911.

Gábor Magdolna

Kaposvár, Szent Imre u. 2.

Kálváriati Általános Iskola és Sportiskola


"Make Your Ex Libris!" competititon end exhibition.

Hevesi Mária,

Újhatvani Óvoda és Általános Iskola


Library in the library competition. search for documents, use the dictionary, book production, making rhymed verse.

Máté Györgyné


Dr. Mező Ferenc Gimnázium és Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola


Reading the works of Mario Vargas Llosa

Lesson in the school library

Kincsesné Gerő Jusztina


Jálics Ernő Integrált Oktatási Központ


Library "again," Designing (11 October)

Könyvtárlogó Planning (11 October-28 October)

Open Day (28 October)

My favorite library books (11 October-28 October)

Library Quiz (28 October)

Pandur Emese
tel.: 82/581-006

Neumann János Általános Iskola


The following programmes will be organized in the library from 18 Ocober to 29 October:
- Photo-application and exhibition with the title ’Me and Reading’
- Writing a recommendation to a book (pupils recommend books to the others)
- Game for searching information ( for upper-primary pupils)
- ’Quotating’: game to find out a tale ( for lower-primary pupils)
- Libraray-tour (presenting and getting into possession of the new IT equipments of the library)

Kajtárné Tancsics Hajnalka


Herman Ottó Gimnázium


As part of the International School Library on 30th Septembe, we organized a folk tale-telling competition.
We invited the local libraries to introduce themselves. We asked our students to donate the books they no longer use to the library.
We announced an illustration competition and housed the "Öveges József" travelling exhibition.

Draskóczyné Szabó Noémi



Márton Áron Gimnázium


    On the occasion of the International School Library Month the Márton Áron High school organized a drawing and blazon making competition between two school libraries.