Beküldő: admin | 2008. 10. 04., szo – 12:21


We collected the different programs from Hungary. We enjoy that in this year a lot of Hungarian school library organise programs, we grow up for a great family.
Best wishes for school librarians in over the world,
Ibolya Barta
Vorosmarty Mihaly Altalanos Iskola és Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi, Intezmeny, Debrecen.
We sent appeal for every Hungarian school library to organise programs for this day. This appeal was published in an Informatical and Communication Newsletter, on the website of Sulinet and the National Educational Library and Museum, and in the newspaper of Ministry of Education.We try to coordinate the programs in Hungary.Programs in our school:Adventura in Andersen’s tales (students 1-4 classes) Einstein and his age (for 7th classes)Adventure around the World (for teachers).
Ibolya Barta, Ibolya Barta

Hunyadi Janos Kozoktatási es Kozmuvelodesi Intezmeny, Konyvtara, Mikepercs
Competitions for little children.
Tünde Kenez, Tünde Kenez

Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Lajos, Gyakorlo Gimnaziuma, Debrecen
My favourite novell (for teachers exept teachers of Hungarian) (7. and 12. classes)What do you know about them? (international competition with the twiny school of St. Gallen 11. and 12. classes for German speeking students.
Anikó Gálné Veresegyházi, Anikó Gálné Veresegyházi

Károlyi József Alapítvány, Fehérvárcsurgó
Hungarian non-profit association created in 1994. Their goals are: contribute to the opening u pof Hungarian civil society toward Europe. We are interested in it (ISLD) as we wish to organise in 2006 inour Foundation with TTE, Euroclio and the Braunschweig International School institute as well as the French history teachers association and maybe English one or the Italian teachers: 1956 in the history schoolbooks in Europe and more specially in Hungary. This seminar would be announced during you event.
Angelica Karolyi, Angelica Karolyi,or Angelica Karolyi

Mora Ferenc Altalános Iskola Konyvtára, Budapest
Competition for small book-lovers 1.2. and 3. classes.
Zsófia Lázár, Zsófia Lázár

Berzsenyi Daniel Gimnazium, Konyvtara, Budapest
Creative Competition: making book’s illustration or designing book’s coverings for the 12 Great Books Könyvhöz.
Erika Bondor, Erica Bondor

Szent László Gimnázium, Budapest
Forum for parents, librarinas of district schools, representatives of the district, famous cultural persons, the leaders of FSZEK Library
Poster Competition: what kind of school library would I like the XXIth century?
A newspaper of Kobanya publishes an interview with the director of the local school about the role of the school library.
Searching for informations about our school library from the school’s archivum.
Viktoria Horvath, Viktoria Horvath, Béláné Antalóczy

Korosi Csoma Sandor Gimnazium es Szakkozepiskola Konyvtara, Szecseny
Gyula Krudy and his age
Exibitions from my books (ex libris) and The adventure of Sinbad (illustrations)
Exibitions of old books from our Library
My favourite books – competiton and award ceremony
Zsuzsa Kalydy, Zsuzsa Kalydy

Radnoti Miklos Kozgazdasagi Szakkozepiskola, Pecs
Some groups of students from different classes of our school are given particular reference questions by subject teachers until 10th of October which can only be answered with the help of all possible means of the school library. By 24th of October students should answer all of their reference questions which are related to libraries in general (electronic libraries, school library database, about documents (printed, electronic) means of references (catalogue, bibliography etc.) and about the techniques of intellectual work.

Dienes Valeria Altalanos Iskola, Szekszard
„ Do you like the animals?”
Competition about animals (how can we live together the animals at home and int he wild. Tales, romans, novels from animals. Using lexicons, encyclopedias, dictionaries from animals.
Edit, Vargane Szabados, Edig Heimann Kovacsne,

Arany Janos Gimnazium es Altalanos Iskola, Nyiregyhaza
Competitions for children
Krisztina Hagymassy,
Gulner Gyula Altalanos Iskola, Budapest
Library magazine, as a supplement of Gulner Hirmondo
Bookmarks, posters to make the library popular
Making interviews with teachers and students about the change of the library
Photo exhibition ont be history og Gyula Gulner Primary School
Eszter Fekete,,

Kis Gyorgy Altalanos Muvelodesi, Kozpont, Szaszvar
Designing of bookmarks and book’s covering, organizing exhibitions, than maybe to vote for them. The award ceremony will be on 24th of October.
Ildiko Marocsik,

AMK Beszterce.lakotelepi Altalanos Iskola Konyvtara, Salgotarjan
Each class chooses a book which they consider to be the best and most enjoyable for them. They have to make a book review to arise the others’ interest towards the book. Their creativity and good ideas will be appreciated. Children will see an adventure film „The Never-ending Story”.
Timea Racz,

Bocskai Istvan Altalanos Iskola, Budapest
Competition and exhibitions about the history of district
Ferenc Szalai,

Széchenyi István Általános Iskola, Kiskunmajsa
Competitions from animals and spontaneous talk about books, library.
Tünde Figura,

Arany Janos Reformatus Gimnazium es Diakotthon, Nagykörös
Wait you the Library!
Making book’s illustration or designing book’s coverings, and bookmark.
Reading own poems or novels
History of our Library
Publications about our Library in school newspaper
Opening Day: everybody can see the old books (museum piece)
Exhibition from photos
Talking about science of Library
Andrea Hajdu,

Kolcsey Ferenc Reformatus Tanitokepzo Foiskola Gyakorlo Iskolajanak Konyvtara, Debrecen
9th National Competition for Reformed Primary School on 28th October, 2005.The topic of the competition will be „King Matthias”. Related to this event and the world day the following programmes will be a competition of the character of history, literature, music and fine arts about King Matthias for students of lower and upper classes as well.
Students of lower classes will need to prepare in advance for the competition with a scene which topic is „Coronation of King Matthias” (on the basis of the legend).
Students of upper classes will need to design an initial in advance. During the two workshops considering the characteristics of age students will get acquainted with the royal court, army and wanderings in disguise of the Renaissance monarch. Students will use legends (old Hungarian Legends by Dénes Lengyel), encyclopedias, dictionaries, maps and editions of Corvina likeness.
The activities will vary from riddles, puzzles, crosswords to open questions. The aim of the competition is to develop the students’ library skills besides extending their knowledge.
Margit, Bajiné Takacs,

Altalanos Iskola, Saregres
The theme of this cheerful competitions, which is between the groups, has been made based on the elementary school’s book and novels.
Istvan Bondor, Palma, Szepesine Palatinus,

Dozsa Gyorgy Altalanos Iskola, Debrecen
Competitions for children, making bookmarks, exhibitions
Janosne Racz,

Testvervarosok Terei Altalanos Iskola, Pecs
Crossword, planning emblems, bookmarks and posters
Steps for knowledge – computer program
Board game about Library
Zsuzsa. Baloghne Hartmann,

Jozsef Attila Gimnazium Konyvtara, Monor
On Monday morning the students will find footprints with notices leadint towards the library, which is open till 18 p.m. Everybody is invited to the library with their ideas about reading. Each participant a present- a bookmark with a famous quotation . (all of them made by students). We announce this day as the beginning of the many-érounded quiz on famous Hungarian adventures and Nobel Prize winners. The official announcement of the result is before Christmas.
Zoltanne Hajdu,

Kozgazdasagi Szakkozepiskola, Kiskunfelegyhaza
At during this day every students will have got a questions from their teachers. The answers can find in our Library. If they find the answers must make resume.
Erzsebet Csernyanszky,,

Dunaszekcsoi Altalanos Muvelodesi Kozpont, Dunaszekcso
Groups with 4 members are competing with each other, they work the exercises of the worksheets. The worksheets are mixed between the different facts, like geography, history, literature ecc.
Laszlone Treutz, Gyongyi Baloghne Kiss,

Csokonai Vitez Mihaly Reformatuk Gimnazium, Altalanos Iskola es Kollegium Konyvtara, Csurgo
Adventure between reference books – competition. If the students have three successful answer they will play afternoon in another competition: Be millionaire!
Discover: why are the books useful!
Making book’s illustration or designing book’s coverings Reading minits (every students will read for 30 minits in silence)
Ibolya, Violane Bakonyi,

Budai Nagy Antal Gimnazium Konyvtara, Budapest
Opening Day in Library
Hunting for Books – the students must find the books after some information. If they find, they will answer some questions.
Afternoon making book’s illustration or designing book’s coverings, and bookmarks and we will listen poems with music.
Klara Szakmari,

Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem Babits Mihaly Gyakorlo Gimnazium es Szakkozepiskola
Competition: planning and making logo’s of our Library. We organize an exhibition from this.
The students make new uniform legends and signs for Library.
Quiz for everybody who visit the Library.
Andrasne Varga,

Bardos Lajos Altalanos Iskola es Gimnazium, Budapest
Investiture of our Local History Corner
Presentation (multimedia)
Pools from Library
Create the emblem’s of this Day!
Oszkarne Harsas, Eszter, Felszeghyne Molnar

Toth Arpad Gimnazium, Debrecen
We would like to talk those foreign students who are learning in our school. (via Rotary Club) They will talk about their famous novels and writers, they read from these novels.
Ibolya, Huga,

Korzeti Altalanos Iskola, Bukkabrany
We will make bulletin board with the reference of our teachers. Morning in every rest time we organize different competitions for children. Afternoon we will organize tea-house where the children will make their own planning mouse pad and they can surfing on the Internet.
Andrea, Derekasne Orosz,,

Pazmány Peter Általanos Iskola, Pecs
Be millionaire … quiz from books, from Library Make book’s coverings from your favourite book.
Maria Vincze,

Kossuth Lajos Altalanos Iskola, Mezotur
On this day who comes into the library they can fill in a library pods. Students can measure their knowledge of history and using of library. Everybody who answers the questions gets a tiny gift and sweets.

Vizivárosi Általános Iskola, Szekesfehervar
Interactive literature lesson with Edit Sohonyai (writer), Csilla Hajnal (journalist) and playing with Adel Szemeredi about the famous Hungarian Novel: The Boys from Pal Street ( A Pal utcai fiuk from Ferenc Molnar).
Lilla Varga,

Noszlopy Gaspar Kozgazdasagi Szakkozepiskola, Kaposvar
We organize writer-reader meeting on 27th of October. Our guest will be Laszlo Bertok (poet). The main topics of the meeting are: what is the role of the reading, the writer’s favourites books,m what does the reading means for him. Naturally the readers can put a question.
Magdolna Gabor,

Mikszath Kalman Gimnazium es Postaforgalmi Szakkozepiskola, Paszto
On this Day the students will fill a library pods. We make special poster for this Day.
Katalin, Bajnoczine Mucsinai,

Trefort Agoston Kettannyelvu Kozepiskola, Budapest
Library pods
Geographical competition – about the „most”
Posters, colorful steps and balloons to Library
Erzsebet Eszes,
